Since 2013 VapeMentors has been the leader in business coaching and strategic development for vape shops. As the world of retail has changed, you must change with it, and that means diversification into other areas. For years we have been advising that your first step should be CBD, which we have supported since 2014.

But selling CBD is not like selling vape products!

CBD is not a “cash and carry” product and should not be treated the same as an ordinary e-liquid. CBD is special and can offer so much value. Treat it as though you were a professional consultant- not a salesperson.

That’s why we developed our CBD only Shop concept, which includes the following:

  • A full business model to convert your shop (or open a new one) to a CBD only model

  • All templates for tracking and engaging customers- who you will convert to clients

  • Learn how to private label and develop affiliate relationships with “lead generation” pros

  • Scripts for creating that “consultative approach”

  • Five hours coaching time via vid conferencing

If you are ready to innovate and be on the leading edge of the multi-billion dollar CBD industry, we can help.

As we have seen over the years, there is a disconnect between tobacco and vape, even though we are viewed the same by regulators. The public sees it differently.

CBD has the same image problem. Many think that CBD is marijuana and many vape shops try to sell it like a vaping product, which it is not.

Learn the psychology behind selling CBD, plus learn about the medical side and the advantages it can bring the client.

Contact us for more information.

Norm Bour is currently a writer with HQ magazine, the leader in the alternative space. He was the senior writer for VAPE from 2013-2019, plus others including Smoke and Vape magazine and Vapouround, plus hosted VAPE radio (100+ episodes), for many years.

He is an internationally recognized authority and has spoken at events worldwide.

Contact Norm

VapeMentors has worked with more than 50 paid clients internationally, plus has coached thousands of students through the innovative VAPE U programs, which it has taught since 2014.
