What to Incorporate with CBD When You Have Severe, Chronic Pain

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a type of compound found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to help with severe, chronic pain as well as a wealth of other health issues. It does not have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive ingredient many people use recreationally to “get high.” Of course,…

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What Vape Expos Would Look Like After Corona

The entire world has come under the grasp of the novel coronavirus Covid-19. With thousands of people affected by the virus, the pandemic has made everyone struggle to stay alive. While the governments are forced to implement lockdowns and the essential workers toiling day and night to save people, social distancing has become the norm.…

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3 Health Benefits Of CBD & How It Can Improve Your Daily Life

https://pixabay.com/photos/cbd-cannabidio-cbd-oil-hemp-oil-4469987/ As the three-letter word CBD becomes increasingly popular with every passing day, people want to explore it further. CBD is one of those naturally occurring compounds with powerful properties. Supposedly, it can help people combat various illnesses and alleviate some of the most common symptoms related to anxiety, injuries, and inflammation. The researchers immediately…

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5 Surprising Facts You Should Know If You Mix Cannabis with Magic Mushroom

Cannabis and magic mushrooms are the two most prevalent naturally occurring substances in the world. They produce hallucinating but uplifting effects in people. When devoured together, the “high” grows “higher”, and the “low” becomes “fainter”. Let’s first know what they are like apart to understand further what happens when we mix both of these famous…

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Nine (9) Tips for Traveling With Your Vape

Traveling is undoubtedly one of the most exquisite joys of life, regardless of whether you plan a long trip around the globe or heading on a weekend trip. Your travel itinerary might be short or lengthy, but one of the most significant aspects of travel comes right before you leave the house: the preparation process.…

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How to Use a Vape Pen for Concentrates?

How to Use a Vape Pen for Concentrates? https://pixabay.com/photos/gentleman-blowing-ecig-vapor-3582839/ In just a couple of decades, marijuana has found itself in a completely different position. It has been decriminalized and legalized in many countries. That has led to a variety of marijuana products, including vaping concentrates. At first, these concentrates didn’t come with cannabis, but the…

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5 Best Places to Smoke During Quarantine

COVID-19 has come with plenty of new normals for many people around the world. When the virus first broke out in China sometime in December 2019, no one imagined that it would spiral into the catastrophe that it is today. But since the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, the coronavirus disease has continued…

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Vape Radio 90: Indiana Regulations Update – Are You Ready?

Vape Radio 90: Indiana Regulations Update – Are You Ready?

The state of Indiana has seen its share of challenges in the past few years. Former Governor Mike Pence signed a bill that limited the number of liquid manufacturers to less than six. These six companies had to adhere and conform to insane standards and unless you were able to comply, you could not sell liquid in that state.

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