5 Things To Say Other Than “Quit Smoking With Vaping”

Vape shops and eliquid companies want so badly to tell the truth about vaping – that it can help you quit smoking.

Unfortunately, there are laws that prevent us from using “health claims” and “cessation claims”. For instance, we cannot say “vaping is safer than smoking”, or that “vaping will help you quit smoking”. Even though we know in our hearts it’s true, we can get in a lot of legal trouble for doing so.

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The 5 Minute Vape Industry MBA

The 5 minute vape MBA

Read this if you want to skip MBA school and go right into the vape industry.

Look, I have an MBA. I wish it wasn’t true, but it was a complete waste of money. I’ve actually spent the last 4 years re-programming my brain to be an entrepreneur, not a corporate robot (which is what an MBA trains you to be).

That said, there are SOME things you can learn and apply to vaping.

I ran across this Twitter feed and was absolutely blown away by the value and clarity with which this person explains complex topics.

As I was reading it I immediately connected it to the vaping industry, so I wrote up this post with a “how this applies to vaping”.

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Can Your Juice Brand Continue To Grow In A Challenged Market?

Vape Industry Business Exchange

How do we stay competitive and ahead of the market as we face a new business environment like none we have ever seen? As little as a year or two ago it was easy to capture some market share. The only requirement…Just show up! Those days are gone. Some predict as much as 80% of the vape businesses in existence today will be gone in the next two years. Whatever the actual number, will you be one of them?

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Increase Your Online Vapor Store Sales With Social Proof Apps

Increasing Sales For Your Online Vape Shop using Social Proof Apps

‘Live’ sales notifications on your website allow your visitors to see a highlighted popup showcasing sales that have taken place on your website. Depending on the eCommerce platform you are using, these can be configured to appear as live sales or they can state when the sales actually took place.

Humans are creatures of habit so the fact that you have a new visitor on your website means you have done something right. Sales notifications are a great tool to use in easing the visitor’s mind and easily converting them into a customer.

Below you will find the most widely used vape shop eCommerce platforms along with the best app, widget, or add on to implement a live sales feed on your website. With the exception of Wix and Volusion, there are pre-built applications which can be purchased and implemented on your website easily and relatively inexpensively.

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