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Module III – Customer Service

Customer Service vs Compliance

We all want to help the customer, but we are also in charge of making sure our store stays compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

On top of all that, we need to sell our customers a device or a flavor that they will love and enjoy.

The role of a customer service and sales rep in a vape shop is of critical importance. They are on the front lines of the vape industry and are subject to more scrutiny than any other employee.

This module will help you balance the difficult job of creating an awesome customer experience while also being sensitive to compliance.

Role-Playing Scenarios For Your Shop

It’s highly recommended that you go through regular role-playing scenarios with your sales reps. This will give them a chance to practice difficult or complex customer experiences, and give your management a chance to train up any weaknesses.

To make this job easier for your shop, we made an awesome mind map to help train you for many common customer service scenarios. Here is the link. Feel free to copy this into your own MindMeister account and edit it as needed.

