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Show Summary:

Today’s interview is with RonTully, with Next Generation Labs. His is a name you may have heard before if you are in the liquid biz. Today he’ll be sharing a product that may change a lot of things in the e-liquid world.

Tobacco Free Nicotine: what isit? Another name for it is synthetic nicotine, but the term syntheticis not a popular one, kind of like GMO.

There may be advantages to TFN:Better flavor. No aftertaste. Easier to mix with. Those are all good. But it’spricier than regular nicotine. But not enough to dissuade you and after all,you do get what you pay for.

When you combine TFN with highquality ingredients, what do you get? Pretty awesome flavor. Great forconnoisseurs!

The world of vape is changingand you must change with it. The key to survival is adaptation, and ourinterview today IS all about adapting- to a brand new market.

I’ll be speaking in Amsterdamin July at Vapexpo and if you are EU based I’d love to connect! Two weeks laterI’ll be in Prague and between the two dates I’ll be touring as many companiesand shops as I can. Would you like to connect? Let me know [email protected]

Coming up soon; VAPE U III: Vape Shop Master Summit. 4 days, 20 hours with 20+ of the most amazing thought leaders in the vape space to educate and empower you.

What do YOU want to know? We interviewed tens of thousands of vape professionals and asked: What keeps you up at night? What worries you the most?

With hundreds of responses we drilled it down to just a few areas and then found the best people in the industry to address them. It’s June 23-26 and it will be FREE.

Vape Radio 79: Introducing Tobacco Free Nicotine With Ron Tully Click To Tweet

Links Discussed

What you’ll hear today:

  • TFN is synthetically derived nicotine
  • There are 3 sources for nicotine: tobacco, food extracts, like potatoes and tomatoes, or synthetic.
  • Tobacco has the highest level of nicotine concentration
  • Nicotine is an alkaloid and stimulates the bodies nervoussystem
  • It is highly satisfying and affects people differently.Some relax, some energize
  • Nicotine is addictive
  • Our bodies adapt to the amount of nicotine our bodies getused to or need
  • Nicotine levels are down in the vaping world
  • Ron came from the domestic and international tobaccoindustry since 1988
  • TFN is a great alternative to conventional nicotineproducts
  • Synthetic nicotine used to sell for $125,000 for a kilo(2.2 lbs). It is less today, but still more expensive than cultivated products.Now $5,000 a liter, about $.19 per bottle.
  • This product could be used as nicotine therapy
  • 14 brands currently use TFN
  • It is odorless and tasteless and is very pure, and allowspure flavoring to come through
  • This is still a dangerous product to carry and must behandled carefully
  • It is packaged and shipped in stainless steel flasks andcarefully handled
  • The FDA’s view on TFN: they still have jurisdiction
  • This product is NOT derived from tobacco, which will be aconversation with the FDA. Tully advises staying away from any mixing withtobacco.
  • Even DEVICES are considered tobacco products
  • Ron was a SFATA board member, and is now working with VTA
  • Support the Cole/Bishop amendment. We are all in thistogether
  • Congress or the Court may be the final decision when theFDA is called to task
  • Call Ron if interested in adding TFN to your line

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